- Valkyrie [16]
- Valkyrie(young) [11]
- Valkyrie’s Dad [9]
- Kuben Blisk [32]
- Soldier & Pilot A & Pilot B [1-11-6]
- PA & Northstar OS [7]
Valkyrie: Focus, Kai.
PA: You have entered a DNZ.
PA: This is a gun-free zone.
PA: No firearms allowed.
Valkyrie: Try adding another zero to that number.
Soldier: He doesn't renegotiate, love. Now, unload and get lost.
Valkyrie: Can I speak to your manager?
Kuben Blisk: Something the matter?
Valkyrie: The legendary Kuben Blisk...
Kuben Blisk: Have we met, girl?
Valkyrie: Oh, I think I'd remember meeting you, … sir.
Kuben Blisk: That's not yours.
Kuben Blisk: Do you know what it took your daddy to earn this, eh?
Valkyrie(young): It's not mine yet.
Valkyrie(young): You'll see.
Valkyrie’s Dad: You're never flying one of these death traps.
Kuben Blisk: So... you're that ace my blokes hired, eh?
Valkyrie: Best pilot money can buy.
Kuben Blisk: Pilot?!
Kuben Blisk: That word used to mean something.
Valkyrie: Ha! Yeah.
Valkyrie: I've heard the stories.
Northstar OS: Northstar Systems initiated.
Northstar OS: Welcome back, Pilot.
Valkyrie(young): Woo-hoo-hoo!
Valkyrie’s Dad: Kairi! What are you doing?
Valkyrie(young): What, dad?! Something's jamming the...
Valkyrie’s Dad: Kairi!
Valkyrie(young): Woo-hoo!
Valkyrie(young): Get it! All right!
Valkyrie(young): Woo-hoo-hoo!
Pilot A: Misfit 42, we've got another wave on your flank.
Pilot B: Hammer 31...
Valkyrie’s Dad: Kairi, get out of there now!
Pilot B: ...jump signatures over Sector 41 Bravo.
Kuben Blisk: We've all heard the stories.
Kuben Blisk: I've lived 'em.
Kuben Blisk: And I'll tell you this, girl.
Kuben Blisk: Flying doesn't make you a pilot.
Kuben Blisk: What matters … is what you can do when...
Valkyrie’s Dad: ...your life is on the line!
Pilot B: Misfit 4 actual. Engaging.
Pilot A: Bulldog 21, this is Bulldog actual, reinforcements have arrived.
Pilot B: Hammer actual on station.
Pilot A: Zulu 24, no-joy.
Pilot A: Zulu 24, this is 31, I see him burning fuel gauge.
Pilot B: Fox 1, Fox 2. Missiles off the rail.
Pilot A: Big Splash on target.
Northstar OS: Warning!
Pilot A: Got visual on Apex Titan.
Pilot A: What is our OE?
Northstar OS: Northstar Systems transferred.
Pilot B: Fire at fired upon.
Valkyrie(young): No!
Pilot A: Misfit 42 in pursuit of Apex target.
Pilot A: Visual clear.
Pilot A: Target eliminated.
Pilot A: Hammer 2122, rejoin on me.
Valkyrie(young): Dad!
Valkyrie’s Dad: Kairi, listen to me.
Valkyrie’s Dad: Open flaps and alternate the thrusters!
Valkyrie(young): I can't, I can't!
Valkyrie’s Dad: I'm coming. Just focus, Kai.
Kuben Blisk: Arrogance.
Kuben Blisk: That's the problem with most pilots, eh.
Kuben Blisk: Makes you blind.
Kuben Blisk: And gets the ones closest to you... dead.
Kuben Blisk: Hello, little Viper.
Valkyrie’s Dad: Viper on station.
Valkyrie(young): No, no!
Valkyrie(young): Dad!
Valkyrie: I know I failed him.
Valkyrie: And he left.
Valkyrie: Worst part was not knowing why.
Valkyrie: Maybe he left because of me?
Valkyrie: But he died because of you!
Kuben Blisk: He knew what he was fighting for.
Kuben Blisk: Do you?
Kuben Blisk: All this time you've done nothing but try to get to me.
Kuben Blisk: Wondering if daddy loved you.
Kuben Blisk: Wastin' your life, so you can avenge his.
Kuben Blisk: If vengeance is all you're good for, girl,
Kuben Blisk: go ahead and take it.
Kuben Blisk: But you pull that trigger, your story ends.
Kuben Blisk: Your father never wanted you to live for him.
Kuben Blisk: He wanted your legacy...
Kuben Blisk: to be better.
Kuben Blisk: So, little Viper,
Kuben Blisk: are you a pilot?
Kuben Blisk: Or just the sobbin' daughter of one?
Valkyrie: My call sign...
Valkyrie: ...is Valkyrie.
Valkyrie: And you'll live to remember it.
Kuben Blisk: Valkyrie.
Valkyrie: Goodbye, dad.
- 作者:BarryZed
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